Gregorios Pharmakis

Construction of a plural person.

Gregorios Pharmakis is constituted as a person when acting within
the circumstances of a closed framework: a bus, an exhibition,
an organization, etc. it is there that the person's face can be shaped,
as a shared fantasmatic figure. Pharmakis is somehow identified
to the invisible ghost of this non-consciously structured
community. The person's figure could be seen
as a semi-conscious, irresponsible network function.

Monday, March 26, 2007

parallel sitting

Communities formed in a random way, conceived through the concept of parallel seating in a bus condition.

A non stable group named "Gregorios Pharmakis" form a constantly changing plural person, involved in public conditions, where one's identity is not important but the shape of the condition is easily detectable, e.g. the bus condition or the parallel sitting condition. "Gregorios pharmakis" acts in the frame of the chosen condition without intervening violently in it, only by measuring and calculating the condition itself.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

bus condition